Welcome! This nifty emporium includes a few ways to fascinate your friends and followers. Scroll down to share a free excerpt from the book, tweet and post cool goodies, and download an Advocates Kit for more.
Fascination is the most intense state of focus. When you fascinate someone, they can’t stop thinking about you and your message.
You can make anything fascinating — any brand, idea, or product — once you know the system.
This massively revised edition of Fascinate includes my new market research with almost a million consumers, and over 100 new case studies and examples. I draw upon my decade of experience inside the world’s top agencies to give you an incredibly efficient marketing process. It’s almost like a “branding hack.”
My favorite part of this edition is the new Brand Fascination Profile. This online assessment identifies how your business is most likely to captivate anyone. (And it’s free for a limited time!) Check it out, here: BrandFascination.com.

An Introduction to Fascinate
Click the button below to download a free excerpt from Fascinate: How to Make Your Brand Impossible to Resist
3D-Book Image
Click the button below to download a 3d image of the book Fascinate: How to Make Your Brand Impossible to Resist
The Advocates Kit
Click the button below to download the Advocates Guide, an influencer guidebook to Fascinate, Revised and Updated
Brand Fascination Profile Shareables
Click the button below to download a zip file full of Fascination Brand Profile shareable images.
Fascinate Canned Q&A
Click the button below to download the Question and Answer PDF, full of frequently asked questions.
Sally Author Photos
Click the button below to download a zip file of Sally’s author photos.
Image Shareables!
Fast facts:
» With 28 questions, the algorithm measures how your business or product is most likely to attract prospects
» There are 7 potential results: Power, Innovation, Passion, Trust, Mystique, Alert, and Prestige
» Combine your result with the system inside of Sally Hogshead’s book, Fascinate: How to Make Your Brand Impossible to Resist
» Once you know your brand’s top advantage, turn to Part III of Fascinate to get the exact words to use in your marketing

The Fastest Way to Fascinate™
28 questions. 5 minutes. 1 top brand advantage.
The Brand Profile is one step to make your brand impossible to resist. Apply your results with the system inside of Fascinate.
PROFILE + BOOK = Impossible to resist
Take this quick assessment. Read your free Brand Profile. Then, get the step-by-step system to apply results inside Sally’s new book, Fascinate.
(Haven’t ordered your copy yet? Get the book with free bonuses, right here.)
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Sally Hogshead skyrocketed to the top of the advertising profession by age 24, becoming the most award-winning advertising copywriter in the U.S. Her campaigns for brands such as MINI Cooper, Nike, Godiva and Coca-Cola have fascinated millions of consumers. One of the “Top 10 Brand Gurus in the World” in 2015, she went on to measure 700,000 consumers with the science of fascination. Hogshead appears in media such as the “TODAY” show and “LIVE with Kelly and Michael,” and has been featured as one of the top five speakers in the U.S. Hundreds of corporations and small businesses use the Fascinate system, including Twitter, IBM and Porsche, as well as universities such as NYU. Her previous book, How the World Sees You, is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller.
The story behind this Brand Fascination Profile
For the first half of my career, I worked inside some of the world’s most loved and respected brands. As a copywriter, my role was to identify exactly what made a company most irresistible to consumers.
Yet while I loved the strategic and creative aspect of advertising, I also saw how expensive and time-intensive it was. Few businesses can afford a full-scale marketing department, let alone an ad agency.
A faster way to fascinate
I decided there had to be a better way. A way for any company, no matter how big or small, to apply the principles of top agencies without paying for an agency.
In 2006, I began researching the hidden patterns that all great brands share. A decade later, I’m thrilled to put the results in my newly-revised book, Fascinate.
This Brand Fascination Profile gives anyone access to smart communication, even without a marketing department or years of formal training.
A branding hack
Your businesses might have limited time or money, but that doesn’t mean they can’t create effective and engaging messages.
You don’t need a travel agent to book a trip, and you don’t need a doctor to learn the symptoms of a common cold. And, you don’t need a marketing department in order to do marketing.
Once you have a template, then anyone can build a brand. Creativity becomes a democracy.
Marketing for non-marketers
Brands aren’t static; they are living, breathing things that organically change and evolve as new people join the conversation.
Corporations don’t create brands. People do.
The people inside your company are also the keepers of your brand. An outside party won’t know the culture and spirit and nuances like your team. You might not have a dedicated marketing department, and that’s okay.
Nobody knows your brand like you. You just need a template to follow. Or a hack.
What if branding could be open source, accessible to anyone? It can be. It should be. You can do this. You can build your brand. You should build your brand. In fact, if you want to compete in a crowded and competitive marketplace, you must.